12 travel grants ($1500 each): For researchers who have an accepted abstract or proposal to present at a conference. Deadline to apply: 7 February 2016, 10 PM GMT. 12 workshop grants ($2500 each): For experienced researchers or administrators who would like to organise a workshop on a topic related to research communication.


We provide flexible, core-support grants for operating and program expenses, give multi-year grants as often as possible, and offer travel and event organizing grants to support knowledge-exchanges and convenings.

Student support ranges from $300 for travel support to $25,000 for fellowships. TWAS provides grants to individual scientists and research groups in basic Sciences (biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics) from science and technology lagging countries, to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity. Research grants at the TWAS web page. Sida is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation. Through cooperation with civil society, multilateral organisations, public agencies and the private sector we work for sustainable development and help create conditions for people living in poverty and oppression to improve their living conditions. Sida’s travel grant for internships is aimed at increasing the number of young Swedes holding international positions in development work promoted by Sweden.

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Most of its funding is routed through a Swedish NGO. Sida has development cooperation with a large number of countries and regions around the world. We also provide humanitarian assistance where the needs are most urgent.

Sida travel grant

How to apply for an IFS Grant. Applying for grant funding is very competitive and professional in its approach; the 'funding bar' is continuing to rise. IFS has prepared a list of documents that can assist you in preparation for your next application:

Sida travel grant

Besöksadress: Skansbrogatan 7, 118 60 Stockholm. Växel: 08-699 65 80 This grant is funded jointly by the Swedish Research Council and Sida through the Swedish Government’s development aid funds, and by Formas’ and Forte’s research appropriations. The research shall be relevant to poverty reduction and for sustainable development in low-income countries. How to apply for an IFS Grant. Applying for grant funding is very competitive and professional in its approach; the 'funding bar' is continuing to rise. IFS has prepared a list of documents that can assist you in preparation for your next application: Om stipendium beviljas ska styrelsen erhålla en rapport på max 1-A4 sida. Om rapport inte lämnas, kommer ytterligare stipendier inte att beviljas.

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Om stipendiet inte kan utnyttjas till ansökt ändamål ska beloppet återbetalas. Purpose Travel grant for research affiliated participation in courses and congresses within clinical cancer research. Travel grants can be granted for: Active participation in scientific congresses. Provided that an abstract is enclosed in the application.

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Deadline: 28 October 2019 The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is seeking applications for its International Training Programme “Disaster Risk Management” which is implemented by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). The scope of the programme

The initiative aims at supporting actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression. Grand Travel Group Sweden AB. Dalvägen 14, 169 56 Solna. Växel: 08-120 163 50.

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This research will also problematise the spatial dimension of. How to apply? The Gender Challenge in Research Funding: Accessing the European National 

Denna sida på svenska. Researchers, doctoral students, lecturers or readers at Lund University can apply  Commissioned by Sida, Department for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Published ity assurance and smaller research grants, have given the most con- . The SIDA Foundation PhD Scholarship is available to commencing full-time Doctorate by Research students enrolled at the University of South Australia  IDRC offers grants, funding, and awards to researchers and institutions to find solutions for global development challenges. Through calls for research proposals  Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).